Gladys Brooks Foundation
The Gladys Brooks Foundation was created under the will of Gladys Brooks Thayer of New York.
Its purpose is to provide for the intellectual, moral and physical welfare of the people of this country by establishing and supporting non-profit libraries, educational institutions, hospitals and clinics.
The Foundation provides grants to institutions/organizations which are exempt from tax under
section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and are not private foundations as defined in section
509 of the Code.
Learn more about our Founder, Gladys Brooks Thayer.
Foundation Projects and Funding Requests
The purpose of this site is to help you determine if your project is the type of project the Foundation supports, and if so, how to apply for a grant from the Gladys Brooks Foundation. Before applying for a grant please read the following:
Review the grants awarded by the Foundation in the past year.
Read our grant guidelines very carefully.
Review the grants awarded by the Foundation in the past year.
Read our grant guidelines very carefully.
Contact Us
Should you have any questions not answered by the information on this website, please contact us.